Flowmeter RMG type Electronic Turbin Gas Meter TME 400 -,Flowmeter RMG type Electronic Turbin Gas Meter TME 400 VC -,Flowmeter RMG type Electronic Turbin Gas Meter TME 400 VM -,Flowmeter RMG type Electronic Turbin Gas Meter TME 400 VCF -,Flowmeter RMG type Electronic Turbin Gas Meter TME 400 VMF
RMG TERZ 94 94-S turbine meters

The TERZ 94/94-S turbine meters complement the RMG turbine meters TRZ 03, TRZ 03-L and TRZ 03 K (see RMG Publication Nos. 3.161-E and 3.171-E). The TERZ 94 / 94-S directly measures the flow rate under the measuring conditions and integrates the measured values, so that, as a result, the volume of gas flowing through the meter is recorded by the electronic totalization unit.
The gas flow drives a turbine wheel whose speed is recorded by non-contact measurement by a sensor. Therefore, the meter is characterized by long-term stability and low wear and tear. The TERZ 94/94-S are equipped with HF and LF outputs which allow the device to be used as a flow transducer for remote transmission and control applications.
The two TERZ 94 and TERZ 94-S variants differ in the following features:
Battery operation
Electronic suppression of the turbine wheel deceleration effect after flow is stopped by an external stop of the counter
External power supply
Current output 4-20 mA to provide flow rate
Electrical connection
Volume pulse
The LF and HF and alarm outputs are brought out of the meter head by a 7-pin (Binder) connector. All other connections must be made at the terminals on the board.
RMG TERZ 94 94-S turbine meters
For secondary applications
With electronic totalization unit
Stream view
Maximum flow value display
Alarm output
Detachable meter head (for use as a remote counter)
Digital transmission of meter readings
Kawasan Pergudangan Laksana Business Park, Jalan Laksana 6 Blok F 09, Desa laksana Kec. Pakuhaji, Kab. Tangerang, Banten- 15570
PT Indira Mitra Boiler
Ratman Bejo
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Specialist Fabrikasi,Thermal Oil Heater,Steam Boiler,Hot Water Boiler
Email: info@indira.co.id
Email: idmratman@gmail.com