Vertical Water Tube Boiler
Water Tube Steam Generator

PT.INDIRA DWI MITRA, a company in Indonesia that designs water tube steam boilers Vertical tube models, namely: construction of boiler pipes with vertical designs (standing parallel) between tube plates arranged with minimalist dimensions so that the vertical IDM boiler body looks beautiful and beautiful without reducing heating surface (hot surface area)
The IDM Vertical boiler is designed not to require a large room for boiler placement, so it is very suitable to be installed in a very limited room and can be installed in any room as needed.
IDM Boiler Three Pass Steam Boiler, boiler designs with more passes provide more opportunities for hot gases to transfer heat to the water in a furnace and operate more efficiently, however, boiler efficiency is greatly affected by tube design, and not just the number of passes. It is possible for 3-pass boilers with tube designs (such as vertical tube tubes) to allow faster heat transfer times to provide the same or higher efficiency ratings than standard tube 2-pass boilers.

PT.Indira Dwi Mitra /IDM Boiler Vertical , provides vertical water tube steam boilers with various fuels, namely:
1.IDM Boiler burns Natural Gas.LNG, LPG, CNG
2.IDM Boiler bahan bakar Light Oil Burner ( diesel Oil)
3.IDM Boiler bahan bakar Residu/MFO (HeavyOil)
4.IDM Boiler bahan bakar Coal (Batu bara)
5.IDM Boiler bahan bakarBiomassa , pelet kayu , cangkang sawit dan lainya
Terdapat beberapa kelebihan water tube IDM Boiler model vertical
1.-Memerlukan sedikit air namun uap yang dihasilkan lebih cepat (5± 10 menit) sesuai kapasitas boiler
2.-Efisiensi boiler bisa mencapai 90% -+5 dengan additional economizer dan air preheater 95%-+5
3.-Desaign yang Compact sehingga menghemat ruang untuk instalasi dan investasi
4.-Aman secara kontruksi air ada di dalam pipa dan di lindungi oleh cover bodiy boiler sehingga tidak perlu khawatir tentang bahaya ledakan apa bila terjadi human error
5.-Kehilangan lossis panas sedikit sehingga memungkinkan untuk mencapai efisiensi boiler yang tinggi
6.-Can be applied in all sectors of industries, oil & gas, mining, marine tankers,
7.-The price of the boiler is in accordance with the user’s budget (economic investment value)
8.-Easy installation & workmanship in plumbing
9.-Saving time for an inspection and other maintenance checks
10.-Operators do not need to come earlier
11.-Start-Up time is short so you don’t have to wait any longer
12. The simple body package of the boiler makes it easy for a portable unit system
13. three pass steam boiler (very maximum heat absorption)