jual-heat-transfer-oil KSB


ABSTRACT The use of centifugal water pumps that are turned into water turbines is an idea in finding alternative energy that is cheap and easy to maintain and assemble the installation. Generally pumps are used to suck water from a low place to a place with a certain height. This is a preliminary study in design
pump storage plant
. Pumping water to the upper shelter when a low electrical load can be said as an energy reservoir (
energy storage
) which is not used for later use at the right time. In this final project the centrifugal pump functions as an impulse type water turbine by reversing its rotation, that is by entering water from the outlet and removing water from the inlet of the pumping system. Big height ( H), debit (Q), and shaft rotation (n) sought to find other types of turbine alternatives. The pressure used is 41368.54 Pa, with total height ( Htotal) 80,268 m2/ s2, debit (Q) of 1.6ℓ/ s andpump rotation (n) 734 rpm. Produces efficiency of 32.17%

Keywords: Pump Storage Plant, Altitude (H), Debit (Q), and Axle Turn (n) ABSTRACT Centrifugal pump is used as a functional shift to be water turbine is an idea to look for in alternative energy that cheap and easy in maintenance also in installation. In general, the pump is used to suck water from a lower place to higher place. This is the beginning of pump storage plant design.

Pumping water into the upper reservoir when the electrical load. Low can be said as a reservoir of energy (energy storage) is not used for later use at the right time. In this final assignment centrifugal pump to be functioned as water turbine impulse type by reversing rotation, by entering the water from the outlet and bringing out the water from the inlet. Value of head (H), discharge (Q), and shaft rotation (n) is another type of water turbine. The pressure is 41368.54 Pa, with total head (Htotal  ) 80,268 m 2  / s2 , debit (Q) 1.6ℓ / s, pump rotation (n) 734 rpm, produced efficiency 32.17% Keynote: Pump Storage Plant, Head (H), Debit (Q), and shaft rotation (n)

In this modern era, energy is needed in almost all needs. Energy is one of the absolute requirements in the development of a country. The huge use of energy at this time causes the need for energy availability to increase. Today the world’s oil reserves are running low, an alternative energy is needed to replace the availability of oil reserves. Utilization of renewable energy is currently being heavily promoted and programmed by the Indonesian government, this is evidenced by the existence of the National Energy Policy in Presidential Regulation No.5 / 2006 which targets 17% of the role of new renewable energy in energy mix it up in 20251

The basic principle of pump work is the opposite of how a water turbine works. The centrifugal pump functions as an impulse type water turbine by reversing its rotation, that is by entering water from the outlet and removing water from the inlet of the pumping system. The use of pumps as turbines is more practical, inexpensive, easily available in the market and easy to maintain. The use of the pump as a turbine actually already exists with the name
pump storage plant where in developed countries have used this technology.
Storage pump the same as the Hydroelectric Power Plant in general, it’s just on pump storage make use of upper reservoir  and lower reservoir.

Pump storage plant
divided into two models, namely pumps and separate turbines and reversal of the turbines. Storage pumps can help meet energy needs during peak loads.

Election  pump storage plant
also supports government programs to utilize environmentally friendly renewable energy where the government continues to develop water energy users from 2011 amounting to 12 319 MW until 20272  expected to increase again

Based on the background that has been explained, the problems that become the object of research in this final project are:

1.How to make a power plant micro hydro  from the pump  centrifugal The easy one?

2.How can the power and efficiency obtained from a centrifugal pump be converted as a water turbine?

3.Is there an alternative type of water turbine that can replace the pump?

The limitations of the problems faced by the author in writing this final assignment are:

1.The centrifugal pump used is a centrifugal pump with an open fluid type impeller.

2.Calculate the resulting shaft power and efficiency.

3.Looking for head  (H), debit (Q), and specific rotation (n s) to find out the appropriate type of water turbine alternative.

1.3.AIM  The purpose of this thesis is:

1.As a preliminary study design  pump storage plant  in Indonesia.

2.Look for power and efficiency of the centrifugal pump that is used as a water turbine.

3.Increasing people’s creativity in finding energy sources or alternative power plants

Storage pump
is utilization of water storage (
energy storage
) The water from the bottom storage is pumped to the top storage for further use to produce electricity at peak loads
Storage capacity is usually filled in variations seen from the yearly flow, flood, dry season, irrigation, or a combination of the three. From these conditions sometimes energy schemes
can be full, medium or low in operation. With the addition of pumps, the scheme can be modified in two ways. The first one can be used to produce energy but reduce storage. The second output is pumped back to storage when low loads are to be reused during peak loads. Pump installation can keep storage capacity constant if there is additional water capacity. The second advantage obtained from
pump storage
addition of capacity during the day is relatively small compared to natural storage, the addition is expected to be a major aspect.

When the peak load at night functions from
pump storage
can help in meeting daily electricity needs. Where at noon the pump is on
pump storage
pumping water from the bottom storage to the top storage, so that at night can be used to drive the water turbine so that it can produce electricity to cover electricity needs at peak loads.
Storage pump
is utilization of water storage (
energy storage
) The water from the bottom storage is pumped to the top storage for further use to produce electricity at peak loads
Storage capacity is usually filled in variations seen from the yearly flow, flood, dry season, irrigation, or a combination of the three. From these conditions sometimes energy schemes
can be full, medium or low in operation. With the addition of pumps, the scheme can be modified in two ways. The first one can be used to produce energy but reduce storage. The second output is pumped back to storage when low loads are to be reused during peak loads. Pump installation can keep storage capacity constant if there is additional water capacity. The second advantage obtained from
pump storage
addition of capacity during the day is relatively small compared to natural storage, the addition is expected to be a major aspect.

When the peak load at night functions from
pump storage
can help in meeting daily electricity needs. Where at noon the pump is on
pump storage
pumping water from the bottom storage to the top storage, so that at night can be used to drive the water turbine so that it can produce electricity to cover electricity needs at peak loads.

Figure 2.1 general scheme
pump storage plant
[6] 1.1

Load characteristics at pump storage plant When the load reaches the peak, more generation is needed from the power plant unit so that the load can be fulfilled. Whereas when the load is low, the existing generating units will be extinguished so that fuel costs can be reduced. Figure 2.2 Load Characteristics Curve [6] Pump Storage utilizes this. In other words
pump storage functions to optimize the generation of these generating units to store their energy to be used at the right time, ie during peak loads. During peak loads, pump storage will work as a generator to meet the existing load demand Figure 2.3 Load Characteristics Curve with Storage Pump Utilization
[6] 2.2.

CENTRIFUGAL PUMP [4] 2.2.1.Head (H) 1) Headtotal pump In the cross section of the picture above, the liquid has a static pressure in kg / ms2
), the velocity of V (in m / s) and the height of z (in m) measured from the reference plane. Then the liquid has a total head
H (in m2 / s2) stated as follows:
H 1) Where: g = Gravity acceleration (m / s2) ρ = Liquid mass per unit volume (kg / m3) 2) Loss in pipelines In the flow through pipelines, losses will also occur if the pipe size, cross section shape, or direction of flow changes. Such losses can be stated in general by the formula: h f = f

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