Dual Fuel Burner For Boiler
RLS 500÷1200/M Series
Low NOx Progressive Two-Stage or Modulating Operation Burners

RLS/M burners are characterized by a modular monoblock structure which means all necessary components can be
combined in a single unit thus making installation easier, faster, and, above all, more flexible.
The series covers a firing range from 2500 to 11500 kW, and it has been designed for use in hot water boilers,
overheated water boilers as well as steam boilers.
The operation can be “two-stage progressive” or alternatively “modulating”, for both fuels, light oil and gas, with the
installation of a PID logic regulator.
The mechanical cam device of regulation allows to catch up a high modulation ratio on all firing rates range. The
burners can, therefore, supply with precision the demanded power, guaranteeing a high-efficiency system level
and the stability setting, obtaining fuel consumption and operating costs reduction.
The combustion head guarantees reduced polluting emissions (NOx < 80 mg/kWh on gas operation). An exclusive
the design ensures low sound emissions, low electrical consumption, easy use, and maintenance.
The burners are fitted with a butterfly valve to regulate the fuel, controlled by the main management module of the burner through a high-precision servomotor. Fuel can be supplied either from the right or left sides, on the basis of the application
requirements. A maximum gas pressure switch stops the burner in case of excess pressure in the fuel line. The gas train can be selected to best fit system requirements depending on the fuel output and tension in the supply line.
The gas trains are “Multibloc” and “Composed” types (assembly of the single components) with or without seal control.
1 Gas input pipework
2 Manual valve
3 Anti-vibration joint
4 Pressure gauge with pushbutton cock
5 Filter
6A Includes:
– filter
– operation valve
– safety valve
– pressure adjuster
7 Minimum gas pressure switch
8 Leak detection device, supplied as an accessory or incorporated, based on the gas train code.
9 Gasket, for “flanged” versions only
10 Pressure adjuster
11 Gas adjuster butterfly valve
12 Burner
13 Maximum gas pressure switch
14 Gas train-burner adaptor, supplied
P1 Combustion head pressure
P2 Upstream pressure of valves
P3 Upstream pressure of the filter
L Gas train supplied separately, with the code given in the table
L1 Installer’ responsability
Gas trains are approved by standard EN 676 together with the burner.
The overall dimensions of the gas train depends on how they are constructed. The following table shows the
maximum dimensions of the gas trains that can be fitted to RLS 500-650-800-1000-1200/M burners, intake and
outlet diameters and seal control if fitted.
The maximum gas pressure of gas train “MULTIBLOC” type is 360 mbar, and that one of gas train “COMPOSED”
type is 500 mbar.
“MULTIBLOC” guarantees a range of pressure towards the burner from 4 to 60 mbar. For version DN 65 and DN 80
is from 20 to 40 mbar. For version DN 100 is from 40 to 80 mbar. The range of pressure in the “MULTIBLOC” with
flange can be modified choosing the stabiliser spring (see gas train accessory).
The maximum gas pressure of gas train “CB” series is 500 mbar. “CB” gas train guarantees a range of pressure
towards the burner from 10 to 30 mbar. The range of pressure can be modified by choosing the stabilizer spring
(see accessories).
The maximum gas pressure of gas train “DMV” series is 500 mbar. “DMV” gas train is supplied without pressure
RLS 500÷1200/M Series CATALOGUE
Kawasan Pergudangan Laksana Business Park, Jalan Laksana 6 Blok F 09, Desa laksana Kec. Pakuhaji, Kab. Tangerang, Banten- 15570
PT Indira Mitra Boiler
Ratman Bejo
My Website
Specialist Fabrikasi,Thermal Oil Heater,Steam Boiler,Hot Water Boiler
Email: info@indira.co.id
Email: idmratman@gmail.com