efisiensi steam boiler


Understanding Boiler
Boilers are pressure vessels with shapes and sizes designed to produce steam or steam. Steam with a certain pressure is then used to flow heat to a process.

The working principle of a boiler (Saturated steam) can be seen in the picture below.

Feed water after going through the pretreatment process in the softener or air condensate pumped to the economizer.
At the economizer there is an initial warm-up that uses the exhaust heat in the chimney. Initial heating is intended to improve the efficiency of the boiler.
Then the feed water goes into the kettle but the chemichal is given according to the prescribed dose.
After that the feed water which is heated in the steam boiler turns the phase into steam and is ready to be distributed.
After the steam turns the phase back into water (water condensate), it can be pumped back into the kettle again. Make up water is only used to replace water loss due to the blowdown process.

Feed water system
Feed water is the water supplied to the boiler to be converted into steam. While the feed water system is an automatic water supply system for boilers according to steam requirements. There are two sources of feed water, namely:
o Condensate: steam that has changed phase into water (condensing)
o Make up water: raw water that has been processed

To improve the efficiency of boiler feed water before being supplied to a heated boiler, first use waste heat from the chimney.

Steam System
The steam system is the process of controlling steam production in a boiler, such as: capacity, pressure, etc. Furthermore, steam is distributed to users through the pipeline.

Fuel System
Fuel system is all equipment or equipment used to provide boiler fuel. The equipment used depends on the type of fuel used by the boiler.

Various forms of boilers have developed following technological advancements and evaluations of previous boiler products which are affected by boiler exhaust gases that affect the environment and what kind of steams products will be produced. The following classifications of boilers have been developed:

a. Based on pipe type:
# Fire Tube:
The type of fire pipe boiler has the characteristics: producing low steam capacity and pressure.
How it works: the ignition process occurs in the pipe, then the heat generated is delivered directly into the boiler which contains water. The size and construction of the boiler affect the capacity and pressure produced by the boiler.

# Water Tube:
The type of water pipe boiler has the characteristics: producing high capacity and steam pressure.
How it works: the ignition process takes place outside the pipe, then the heat generated heats the pipe containing water and beforehand the water is conditioned first through an economizer, then the steam produced first is collected in a steam-drum. Until the pressure and temperature are appropriate, through the secondary superheater stage and the new superheater the steam is released into the main distribution pipe. In a water pipe, flowing water must be conditioned on minerals or other substances which dissolve in the water. This is a major factor that must be considered for this type.

b. Based on the fuel used:
# Solid Fuel
The type of solid fuel boiler has the characteristics: the price of combustion raw materials is relatively cheaper compared to boilers that use liquid fuel and electricity. The value of efficiency of this type is better when compared to electric type boilers.
How it works: heating that occurs due to combustion between mixing solid fuels (coal, baggase, rejected products, municipal waste, wood) with oxygen and heat sources.

# Fuel Oil
The type of liquid fuel boiler has the characteristics: the price of the most expensive combustion raw materials compared to all types. The value of this type of efficiency is better compared to solid fuel and electricity boilers.
How it works: heating that occurs due to combustion between mixing liquid fuels (diesel, IDO, residue, kerosene) with oxygen and heat sources.

# Gaseous Fuel
The type of gas fuel boiler has the characteristics: the price of the cheapest combustion raw material compared to all types of boilers. The value of efficiency of this type is better when compared to all types of boilers based on fuel.
How it works: combustion that occurs as a result of mixing gas fuel (LNG) with oxygen and heat sources.

# Electric
The type of electric boiler has the characteristics: the price of heating raw materials is relatively cheaper compared to boilers that use liquid fuel. The value of efficiency of this type is lowest when compared to all types of boilers based on their fuel.
How it works: heating that occurs due to a power source that supplies a heat source.
c. Based on boiler use:
# Power Boiler
The type of power boiler has characteristics: its main use as a producer of steam as a power plant, and the remainder of steam is used to run industrial processes.
How it works: the steam produced by this boiler uses a boiler water tube type, the resulting steam has a large pressure and capacity, so it is able to rotate the steam turbine and produce electricity from the generator.

# Industrial Boiler
The industrial boiler type has characteristics: its main use is to produce steam or hot water to run industrial processes and as an additional heater.
How it works: the steam produced by this boiler can use a type of water tube or fire tube boiler, the results of the steam produced have a large capacity and moderate pressure.

# Commercial Boilers
The commercial boiler type has the characteristics: its main use is as a producer of steam or hot water as a heater and in addition to carrying out the commercial operation process.
How it works: the steam produced by this boiler can use a type of water tube or fire tube boiler, the results of the steam produced have a large capacity and low pressure.

Residential Boiler
The type of residential boiler has the following characteristics: its main use is producing steam or low pressure hot water used for housing.
How it works: the steam produced by this boiler uses a type of fire tube boiler, the results of the steam produced have low pressure and capacity

# Heat Recovery Boilers
The type of heat recovery boiler has the characteristics: its main use is producing steam from unused hot steam. These results are used to run industrial processes.
How it works: the steam produced by this boiler uses a type of water tube boiler or fire tube boiler, the results of the steam produced have a large pressure and capacity.

d. Based on boiler construction:
# Package Boiler
The type of boiler package has characteristics: boiler assembly is carried out in the manufacturer, direct delivery in the form of a boiler.

# Site Erected Boiler
Site erected boiler type has characteristics: boiler assembly is carried out in the place where the boiler will be located, shipping is carried out per component.

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