Sell Hot Water Generator Boilers

Hot water heater is a heater using Thermal Water Fluid as a heat transfer medium and can work up to temperatures of 50 to 95 degrees Celsius. Hot water boiler works only at the circulation pump pressure, so it is very safe and tools that need heating do not need to be designed with special construction. The working life of Thermal hot water boilers used is generally more than 10 to 15 years and no additional addition is needed as long as there are no leaks in pipes or heating equipment, and during that time cleaning is not needed because the inside of the coil is circulated by hot water.
What are the advantages of hot water boilers
• Precise temperature control
• No water treatment needed etc. chemicals that require high costs There are no heat losses from condensate and blow down as in the steam boiler
• Low corrosion rates because there is circulation in the inside of the boiler
Hot water heater is a heater using Thermal Water Fluid as a heat transfer medium and can work up to temperatures of 50 to 95 degrees Celsius. Hot water boiler works only at the circulation pump pressure, so it is very safe and tools that need heating do not need to be designed with special construction. The working life of Thermal hot water boilers used is generally more than 10 to 15 years and no additional addition is needed as long as there are no leaks in pipes or heating equipment, and during that time cleaning is not needed because the inside of the coil is circulated by hot water.
What are the advantages of hot water boilers
• Precise temperature control
• No water treatment needed etc. chemicals that require high costs There are no heat losses from condensate and blow down as in the steam boiler
• Low corrosion rates because there is circulation in the inside of the boiler
• Very low maintenance costs
• Full Automatic and easy operation so that it does not require an operator
• Very low maintenance costs
• Full Automatic and easy operation so that it does not require an operator
The supporting system of the fastener system
Expantion Tank
• Expantion tanks serve to accommodate expansion of heating fluid, removing air that is confined in the installation and preventing capitation in the circulation pump
Circulation pump
• The circulation pump serves to drain heating fluid in the installation. The size and capacity of the pump is adjusted to the required capacity.
• Pump capacity determines the shape of the flow of heating fluid inside the coil. The flow inside the thermal must be turbolent, this is useful to avoid damage to heating fluid and coil in hotwater boilers.
• The circulation pump that we use uses the KSB brand and can operate up to temperatures of 200 deg C.
Safety Device
Digital temperature controls, Flow control switches, Automatic burner control, Chimney temperature control, Pressure guage, Indocator pilot lamp, Alarm and emergency stop
• All installations must be filled with liquid so that the control level is in the expantion tank.
• The circulation pump will drain the heating liquid from the expantion tank to the body of the Hot water boiler then transfer the torque and return to the expantion tank.
• After the circulation flow of the liquid is stable, the burner will turn on and burn the coil in the body coil heater so that the heating liquid becomes hot and hot, it is delivered to the process of holding the tankers
• After the desired temperature is reached at an example of 50 deg C, the burner will automatically turn off and it will turn on again after the temperature drops (sample setpoints at a minimum of 35 deg C burner outomatic will light up)
From the results of calculations that we have done on the tanker Permata Sukses, the capacity of the thermal oil boiler is 2000,000 kcal / h. Hot water circulation system for hot fluids at the water pump flow rate 100 m3 / hour (motor power 30 HP) to monitor Crude oil / CPO capacity of 5,000,000 tons with set temperature points of 35 deg C, loading 50 deg C, taken approximately 4 days / 96 hours. (Pertamina travel route plaju palembang towards pertamina pontianak.
As for the temperature up the route of travel faster can be calculated the capacity needed. And adjusted