Steps for Starting / Starting Boiler

To start a Boiler, it is necessary to carry out several stages in accordance with operational procedures. These include the preparation for a preliminary inspection, starting or starting the heating process (raising the temperature), flowing the heating results in the form of steam and then monitoring.
To better understand the steps of operating a boiler we discuss one by one in sequence.
A. Preliminary examination
This preliminary examination stage is very important because to ensure that all supporting devices for the system are running well, this includes the performance of safety devices for the security side.
Check valves
Before starting, all the valve must be closed, except for valve superheater drain and feedwater valve.
b. Physical examination
Physical here is more a mechanical examination such as examination of casing, bearings, van belts, bolts and others.
c. Water level checking
Ensure that the water level in the Gauge Glass is around halfway level, if necessary, clean the glass and frame so that further monitoring is clearer
Manometer examination (pressure gauge)
Need to monitor whether there is initial pressure or not on the manometer.
e. Check on valve blowdown (drain)
Before starting in a closed position.
f. Combustion chamber inspection
The furnace must be clean including the fire grade.
g. Feedwater Tank Inspection
During the operation of the boiler the feedwater tank must always be ready to fill with water. Need to increase if the water is lackin.
h. Check valve in the feedpump, deaerator, and softener.
The position of the valve must be closed before starting except the valve softener for filling water to the tank.
B. Starting
This is the step of raising the temperature of the steam, the superhetaer drain valve must be open to prevent overheating.
- Open the blowdown / drain valve, every 15 or so seconds 2 or 3 times.
- Check the height of the water in the gauge glass / gauge glass (gauge glass) and should remain in half position.
- Turn on the burner / fire.
- After the fire is on, open the dumper as many as ¼ open.
- Slowly increase the steam pressure to the working pressure point. Always check that the water level in the gauge glass does not exceed the limit. If the height is above the limit (1/2 of the gauge glass) then close the feedwater valve. If it does not solve the problem or the water remains high then open the blowdown valve.
- Check that the incoming fuel is evenly distributed.
- If no steam is monitored on the boiler manometer, the fuel must be reduced so that heat can be evenly distributed throughout the boiler. Turn off the fan until the pressure appears. The time needed depends on the temperature in the boiler.
- The boiler requires 6 hours for the cooling process to be turned off by blowing air through the fan by opening the dumper ¼ open until pressure is visible on the manometer.
- If the boiler is cold, it takes about 8 hours for ignition without a fan.
C. Flowing steam
1). Which is done on a steam pump
- Open the bypass valve in the trap trap from the steam pipe to the pump.
- Open the drain valve on the exhaust from the steam feedpump.
- Open the steam boiler valve slightly to start flowing.
- After about 3 to 4 minutes slowly open the steam pipe until it is fully open.
- Close the bypass valve again.
- Open the valve section in the feedwater.
- Heat the feedwater pump by opening a little steam valve, when the steam has started to come out, close the valve drain slowly until no water comes out.
- Open the pump valve to the boiler, run the pump and check the water level in the boiler.
2). What is done on the main pipe
- Open all valve bypass in the steam trap.
- Open the boiler main valve so the steam flows for a few minutes.
- After the steam comes out of the bypass valve, close the valve again until it isn’t tight.
- Open the master valve little by little (main steam valve) until fully open.
- Close the bypass valve on the main pipe and make sure the steam trap is working.
- Make sure the pressure on the boiler remains stable at 17 to 17.5 kg / cm 2 .
Slow and even ignition will extend the life of the boiler.
If the main pipe is connected with two to four boilers, the operating procedures that must be carried out are as follows:
- Ensure that the pressure of the boiler to be added / combined must be the same.
- Open all bypass valves on mains and steam pipes. Open the boiler main valve slightly, after a few minutes slowly open the main valve until it is full, then close the drain valve and check the steam.
Kawasan Pergudangan Laksana Business Park, Jalan Laksana 6 Blok F 09, Desa laksana Kec. Pakuhaji, Kab. Tangerang, Banten- 15570
PT Indira Mitra Boiler
Ratman Bejo
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Specialist Fabrikasi,Thermal Oil Heater,Steam Boiler,Hot Water Boiler