PT Indira Mitra Boiler A company that manufactures Steam Boilers in Tangerang
Boiler Factory in Tangerang PT Indira Dwi Mitra
PT Indira Dwi Mitra manufactures steam boiler machines from a capacity of 500 kg/hour to 20,000 kg/hour with a working pressure of 10 barg.

The majority of greenhouse gases are composed of carbon dioxide (CO2). The consequences of increasing CO2 emissions include erratic weather, crop failure and environmental damage. Through the 2015 Paris Agreement, the whole country is committed to reducing carbon emissions in 2030 to below 45 percent of the 2010 emission level and reducing this value to 0 percent in 2050.
Including Indonesia continues to strive to reduce carbon emissions at this time, as well as various existing industries, currently working together to replace energy sources from fossils to alternative energy sources, this is done to reduce carbon emissions, one of which is biomass boilers, the use of biomass boilers made from palm oilcake, woodchips, rice husks, sawdust, wood pallets and other materials, it is a real contribution to reducing carbon emissions for the industry to actively participate in making this earth a better and more comfortable place to live in together.
Knowing the Core Boiler ComponentsThe boiler part is a set of tools or a system unit which is a series of boilers. Each Component has a different function and is connected to other Parts according to the process flow. By knowing each function of the part in the boiler, you can find out the working principle of the boiler in more detail.
Fur tube boilers – water tube vertical boilers
Drum Kettle, functions as a place to store hot water and a place for steam to form. This drum collects saturated steam and water in a ratio between 50% water and 50% steam. The boiler drum is sealed so that the water is not carried away by the steam. Water that has a low temperature will descend to the bottom and the steam produced from the high temperature water will rise up.
The economizer is useful for absorbing heat due to combustion gases after going through the superheater. This water heating is done so that the temperature difference between the filling water and the water in the boiler drum is not too high, so that there is no thermal stress (voltage that occurs due to heating).
In addition, using it will increase the efficiency of the boiler itself and the evaporation process will be faster.
Steam water Heater
This section is a tool that functions to heat the air which is used to blow fuel so that it burns completely. The air that will be exhaled, before passing through the water heater, has the same temperature as normal air temperature, which is 38°C. However, after going through the air heater, the air temperature will increase to 230°C.
Industrial Boilers
Engineering, manufacture and installation of boilers with a capacity of 0.5 TPH to 20 TPH with biomass fuel for various industries including: palm oil mills, sugar factories, wood factories, paper mills.
Boiler Repair and Maintenance
Periodic repair and maintenance, partial or complete tube replacement, mechanical and chemical cleaning, safety valve adjustment, inspection, installation, relocation, replacement and repair of boiler parts.
Fabrication Services
Apart from being a boiler fabrication specialist and its supporting components, the PT Indira Mitra Boiler workshop is also capable of fabricating other equipment besides boiler products which are made of carbon steel, low alloy and stainless steel materials.
Kawasan Pergudangan Laksana Business Park, Jalan Laksana 6 Blok F 09, Desa laksana Kec. Pakuhaji, Kab. Tangerang, Banten- 15570
PT Indira Mitra Boiler
Ratman Bejo
My Website
Specialist Fabrikasi,Thermal Oil Heater,Steam Boiler,Hot Water Boiler