Bersama ini kami sampaikan penawaran steam boiler sebagai berikut:

Boiler type : IDM10 TPH-10
Rated Capacity : 10.000 Kg/Hr
Rated Pressure : 14 Kg/Cm2
Feed water temperature : 105 Deg C



Combined water tube – fire tube steam boiler , consist of ;

  1. Forced draft combustion air fan
  1. Water tube pre-furnace combustion chamber
  1. Fire Tube Boiler convection drum
  1. Multi-Cyclone De-duster Unit Flue gas
  1. ID fan (Flue Gas Fan)
  1. Chimney 12 m
  1. Fuel Hopper and Silo (Fuel Feeding) with Bucket elevator


Spesifikasi dan karakteristik

Pembakaran yang optimal dan perpindahan panas maksimum dengan system tungku basah, dengan ruang yang luas,  pembakaran tidak kontak dengan dinding dingin tungku . Pemanasan permukaan tungku besar  menyempurnakan transfer panas yang maksimal. Akibatnya suhu gas buang sudah berkurang jauh,sebelum memasuki tabung api. Konsep ini tidak hanya mengurangi beban pada pelat tabung (yang menjamin kekuatan  jangka  panjang) danjuga menghindari abu meleleh menempel pada tabung api


Perawatan mudah & aksesibilitas

Pembakaran yang optimal dan dipilih dengan cermat kecepatan gas buang di tabung api mengurangi kekotoran tabung api untuk minimum. Aksesibilitas terjamin melalui pintu.

konstruksi yang solid

Tabung api digulung dan dilas yang menghasilkan:

  • kontak erat antara firetube dan piring tabung, untuk menghindari celah adanya korosi outsticking tabung-ujung pada pelat tabung, sehingga pendinginan lengkap terjamin.
  • tidak ada kekotoran didalam antara tabung pembakaran dan piring tabung Kontrol kualitas fabrikasi:


Material & Construction 

Plates material of pressure ,part  SA 516gr.70

Tube material of pressure ,part barnd Benteler /Mannesmann mfg France/Germany

Material/thickness thermal isolation, Rock wool/100mm

Material / thickness of cladding, almunium sheet/ 07mm

Frame material /other plates, ASTM 36/(Mild Steel)

Water/Steam / Oil pipes (Outside) ASTM A 106 Gr B


Boiler equipments

o 1 vent valve

o 3 drain valves

o 2 water level gauge

o 2 Feed Water pumps with electrical motor mounted on a steel frame.

o Accessories : Main valve, Inlet Feed Water Valve with Check Valve and


Blowdown Valve

Safe operation

Regulation and safety pressurestat determine respectively the required and maximum working pressure.

Control and safety devices:

o 1 safety Pressure witch

o 1 manometer

o 1 regulation Pressure Transmitter with digital isplay

o 1 Water Level Control

o 1 Water Level Switch Safety o 1 flue gas temp.gauge

o 2 safety valves


Control panel

1 Free Standing Electric Switch Box: The type control panel suitable for floor mounting pre-wired control for all primary components.

Operating voltage 380 V, 3 Phase, Neutral, Control voltage 220 V, single phase, 50 Hz.

Centralized control panel with the following items:

  • Control and Main voltage
  • High pressure – manual reset
  • Low pressure – automatic reset
  • Low water level – automatic reset
  • Low low water level – manual reset
  • Flame failure/High Temperature Furnace


Base Control : Boiler Steam Pressure
Operation Feeding : On Off /High- Low Pressure Steam


Cyclone De-duster Unit Flue gas

Dust Collector c/w Cast Iron Swirl Tube & Dust Bin

Type                                        Multi-Cyclon

Dimension                               2500 L x 1500 W x 4100 H mm

Thickness Of Casing              5 mm

Painting                                   Heat Resistance Quality Paint

Material                                   SA 36 (Mild Steel)


Engineering document


Basic document which provided by IDM

  • Plant lay-out drawing & Load plan for foundation
  • Schematic diagram
  • Electrical connection
  • Electrical diagram
  • Instruction manual regarding the operation and maintenance


  • Forced draft combustion air fan
  • Water tube pre-furnace combustion chamber
  • Fire Tube Boiler convection drum
  • Cyclone De-duster Unit Flue gas
  • ID fan (Flue Gas Fan)
  • Chimney 12 m

Solid Fuel 10TPH

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